Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Appendix C (Salary Budget Template)

Specifying the salary costs for each survey task is an important component of a bid. For each staff member, estimate the number of hours, days or percent of effort that they will contribute. In this example, the staff members expected to work on the pretesting task are listed by job title, with only one person needed for each role. If the name of the staff member completing the role is known, include the individual’s name and actual hourly rate. If the name of the staff member is not known, include the job title and average hourly rate for the staff members with that title. If several people have the same job title, include separate entries for each (however, “interviewers” may be listed as a single line). When a survey task is completed across multiple years, the budget estimate should account for the expected changes in salary rates.
Staff Hours Hourly Rate Total Cost
Project Manager
Quality Coordinator
Office Assistant
Questionnaire Designer
Data Manager
Information Technologist
Field Manager
Field Support Staff
Interviewer Supervisor/Trainer
Interviewer Aide/Driver
Total Hours: Total Cost:

* Note that in some countries, interviewers may be paid by the number of interviews completed.