Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Appendix B

The following table summarizes recommended elements of process quality management relevant to each chapter in the guidelines. These are meant to reflect quality management at two levels: (1) the central coordinating center and (2) the individual country’s research organization level. It is not meant to convey that all elements listed should be part of a study’s design, but to provide examples and help guide the development of specifications for quality management for a study. If possible, the study’s quality profile (quality report) would include a summary of each organization’s performance, based on standardized quality indicators. It also would include lessons learned and recommendations for improvement. Where possible, examples are taken from specific sections of these guidelines, based on the stages of the survey lifecycle. Not all stages of the lifecycle have specific measures for monitoring and controlling quality. Even without clear individual rates or measures of quality, however, there often may be reports on quality assurance activities that facilitate assessing quality.
Guidelines Chapter Quality Planning and Assurance: Inputs and Activities Quality Monitoring and Control: Measures and Reports Elements of Quality Profile
Study Design and Operational Structure


  • Study goals and objectives
  • Country-specific legislation on conducting survey research
  • Leadership roles and responsibilities
  • Timeline
  • Deliverables
  • Quality standards
  • Budget


  • Create framework and structure of responsibilities and tasks
  • Arrange regular meetings of working group and team leaders
  • Develop communication flowchart
  • Determine the study’s quality standards, then implement them throughout the research process
  • Develop quality management plan and identify quality profile elements
  • Assess quality indicators (i.e., paradata-derived indicators) at each stage, and finally make appropriate changes to repeat the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle
  • Implement a certification process to check study design and quality standards
  • Consider site visits to all countries to monitor or support the implementation of quality standards
  • Monitor costs in order to avoid overruns
  • If and where possible, incorporate methodological research
  • Monitor paradata-derived quality measure indicators
  • Monitor budget, costs, and timeline for each country
  • Study goals and objectives
  • Documentation and formatting requirements
  • All study implementation procedures
  • Documentation of modifications to study protocol
  • Summary of each organization’s performance
Ethical Considerations


  • Standards for ethical and scientific conduct
  • Local and national human subject regulations and legislation
  • Ethical guidelines in project management and human resource management
  • Voluntary informed consent protocol and procedures
  • Procedures for ethics training of project staff
  • Comprehensive plan for protection of confidentiality


  • Review and apply ethical standards, best practices, and relevant regulations and legislation in designing study and collecting and disseminating survey data
  • Develop and apply knowledge of local customs and norms relevant for designing culturally-sensitive survey protocols
  • Pretest consent protocol and forms to ensure comprehension
  • Translate and adapt consent protocols and forms according to best practices for translation
  • Assess respondent burden (overall and by subgroup, if appropriate)
  • Train project staff on ethics
  • Have project staff sign pledge of confidentiality
  • Complete ethics review submission and maintain documentation of submission materials
  • Review recorded interviews and monitoring to assure adherence to informed consent procedures
  • Monitor implementation of confidentiality protocols and procedures
  • Perform audits to determine adherence to confidentiality protocols and procedures
  • Securely store signed pledges of confidentiality and consent forms
  • Maintain records of all ethics review committee correspondence
  • Recontact a sample of cases for each interviewer to verify that screening and interview procedures were appropriately followed
  • Conduct verification to detect possible interview falsification
  • Use analyses of paradata to identify unusual variable distributions for one or more interviewers compared to the overall distribution
  • Conduct disclosure analysis
  • Investigate any deviation from ethical protocols and take appropriate action to address the situation
  • Report on staff completion of ethics training
  • Review the implementation of informed consent procedures (percent of cases reviewed, percent of cases failing to follow procedures, actions taken, etc.)
  • Report on interview falsification (percent of cases reviewed, percent of reviewed cases falsified, subsequent actions taken, etc.)
  • Report on any actual or potential breaches of confidentiality, security, or other adverse event, including any resulting changes to study protocol
  • Report on any failures of statistical disclosure control
  • Description of voluntary consent and confidentiality procedures
  • Copies of materials provided to respondents as part of informed consent process
  • Summary of respondent burden assessment
  • Description of ethics training for project staff
  • Summary of ethics committee review
  • Summary of review of recorded interviews regarding the implementation of informed consent procedures
  • Summary of falsification findings
  • Summary of any reported actual or potential breaches of confidentiality
  • Description of disclosure analysis methods and summary of findings
Tenders, Bids, and Contracts


  • Type of contract offered
  • Study specifications
  • Minimum quality requirements and evaluation criteria for bids


  • Prepare tender based on study specifications
  • Conduct competitive bidding process within each country
  • Evaluate bids and select a survey organization in each country
  • Consider rereleasing the tender if no bidding survey organization can meet the requested quality standards
  • Define progress approval points throughout the research process
  • Develop a quality management plan
  • Develop quality control and quality assurance procedures
  • Report on evaluation scores of bidding organizations
  • Summary of process of evaluating and selecting bidding organizations
Sample Design


  • Target and survey population descriptions
  • Sampling frame(s), definitions (including definitions of strata and sampling units), and any updating of the frame that was needed
  • Desired level of precision, both overall and for specific subgroups
  • Sample size based on specified levels of precision
  • Selection procedure(s) and estimates of probabilities of selection at each stage
  • Field listing standard procedures and minimum requirements of field listers
  • Unique sample identification codes for each selected sampling unit
  • Data dictionary


  • Produce, update, and/or clean sample frame(s), as needed
  • Calculate sample size
  • Implement selection procedure(s)
  • Create a unique sample identification code for each selected element or unit
  • Arrange regular meetings of working group, project manager, and sampling statistician
  • Conduct responsive design plans to minimize survey costs and errors
  • Estimate [latex]c[/latex]
  • Report on percentage of duplicate and ineligible sampling units on the sampling frame(s)
  • Produce tables/charts of paradata indicators that serve as proxies of survey costs and errors
  • Alter the survey design during data collection to minimize costs and errors in a responsive design framework
  • Produce frequency tables for key variables from the frame of sampling units
  • Time dimension of design (e.g., one-time cross-sectional, fixed, or rotating panel)
  • Target and survey population definitions, including inclusion/ exclusion criteria
  • Sampling frame(s) descriptions
  • Examples of maps and protocol used in field listing
  • Description of all stages of selection, including sample sizes, stratification, clustering, oversampling, and number of replicates fielded at each stage
  • Documentation of procedures to determine probabilities of selection and weights for each stage of selection
  • Tables of the precision of the estimates of key survey statistics
  • (If necessary) descriptions of substitution procedures
Questionnaire Design


  • Research question(s)
  • Review of literature and any relevant studies to identify useful material
  • Documentation templates
  • Documentation of origins of any existing questions or materials to be considered for re-use


  • Create cross-cultural and cross-competence development team, providing briefing, training, and tools as relevant
  • Determine design approach
  • Create analysis plan relating constructs, indicators, and question topics
  • Implement design steps
  • Determine appropriate methods to assess the quality of questions
  • When possible, use wording experiments to decide between different candidate question wordings
  • Version control procedures are necessary whenever a source questionnaire is modified across time
  • Description of the questionnaire design procedures
  • Report on modifications made to questions at different stages
  • Document different versions of questionnaires if applicable


  • Source questionnaires and any materials which might be adapted
  • Translated questionnaires and any materials which might be adapted
  • Documentation templates as relevant
  • Guidelines on adaptation goals and more common forms
  • Briefing and training of team, as necessary
  • Delivery schedule and required outputs


  • Determine stage(s) at which adaptation is possible
  •  Create adaptation team with skills suited for whichever stage(s) are envisaged
  • Make adaptation proposals with documented justifications
  • Conduct external review of adaptation proposals and their documentation
  • Test adaptations for targeted population(s) and revise as relevant
  • Adjudicate/sign off on adaptation decisions and finalize documentation


  • Source questionnaire and any material to be translated
  • Guidelines and stipulations on procedures to be followed and on outputs required (e.g., need for documentation on decisions)
  • Templates for translation development, as relevant
  • Delivery schedule, including any further refinements proposed that relate to translation (procedures such as language harmonization, adaptation, pretesting, and any required adjudication steps)
  • Procedure to monitor performance as appropriate


  • Create translation team, briefing, training, and monitoring as relevant
  • Produce draft translations, checking translator output at an early stage of production
  • Maintain documentation at each stage
  • Review and adjudicate translations
  • Pretest translations
  • Repeat any translation refinement step as needed
  • Draft translation review report
  • Documentation of translation review process
Instrument Technical Design


  • Instrument specification guidelines
  • Comprehensive design evaluation plan, including goals, evaluation techniques, and timeline
  • Quality assurance metrics (e.g., questionnaire and item timings, review of computer-assisted application audit trails, behavior/event codes)


  • Provide clear instrument specifications and/or data dictionary
  • Provide culture- or language-specific adaptations of design specifications
  • Develop instrument evaluation procedures
  • Perform and report on design assessments
  • Review quality assurance metrics reports
  • Make recommendations for improvement
  • Collect and report on quality metrics or measures, including:
    • Questionnaire length and section and item timings
    • Audit trails for computerized applications
    • Behavior codes or event codes based on audio or video recordings of pretests or usability tests
    • Qualitative analysis of cognitive interviews and usability testing (see Pretesting)
    • Heuristic evaluation or expert review
  • Instrument specification guidelines
  • Procedures for design evaluation
  • Results of design evaluations
  • Documentation and results of quality assurance and quality monitoring and control
Interviewer Recruitment and Training


  • Recruitment and training timeline
  • Minimum standards for employment
  • Study-specific requirements (e.g., gender, language, etc.)
  • Assessment tests
  • Minimum interviewer requirements checklist
  • Criteria for dismissal or followup training
  • Standard certification procedures


  • Establish a checklist of minimum interviewer candidate requirements
  • Train trainers before they train interviewers
  • Complete checklist during candidate screening
  • Take attendance during training
  • At the end of basic interviewer training, evaluate the knowledge of the interviewer candidates
  • Certify candidates
  • Dismiss or retrain candidates who fail certification
  • Maintain written records of candidates’ certification test results
  • Track the cost and success rates of different recruitment avenues
  • Survey interviewer candidates to determine what improvements could be made to the recruitment process
  • Debrief interviewer trainees to determine how training could be improved
  • Report on training attendance
  • Report on candidate training certification (including rates)
  • Report on followup training certification (including rates)
  • Employment criteria
  • General and study-specific training documentation
  • Certification procedures
  • Certification rates for training and followup training


  • Pretesting plan, including pretest goals, evaluation techniques, timeline, and budget
  • Standard procedures for staff training


  • Provide staff training and certification
  • Examine the findings of each pretesting technique used and identify the causes of any problems discovered
  • Review results from a pilot study, if conducted
  • Review recordings of focus groups and cognitive interviews for staff errors
  • Provide retraining as necessary
  • Test for inter-coder reliability, if appropriate
  • Coordinate the documentation of the pretest across participating countries
  • Monitor costs and timeline
  • Monitor staff error rates
  • Test inter-coder reliability
  • Pretest procedures documentation
  • Pretest training documentation
  • Pretest findings, change recommendations, and changes made
  • Staff error rates
Data Collection


  • Target (e.g., response, refusal, and completion rates
  • Target hours per interview
  • Recontact
  • Percentage of interviewer cases to be verified
  • Verification questions
  • Verification of case disposition codes and selected responses
  • Interviewer performance checklist
  • Criteria for interviewer dismissal or supplementary training


  • Establish a sample management system
  • Review paper coversheets and/or questionnaires
  • Dismiss or retrain interviewers with substandard performance
  • Collect paradata needed for statistical adjustment
  • Overall, by key respondent groups and by interviewer, report on:
    • Screening rates
    • Eligibility rates
    • Response rates
    • Refusal rates
    • Noncontact rates
    • Completion rates
    • Hours per interview
    • Number of completed interviews
  • Report on interviewer performance outcomes
  • Develop a responsive design based on cost/error tradeoffs
  • Documentation of mode(s) of data collection and the protocol for determining mode(s) to use
  • Documentation of the sample management system
  • Study materials
  • Screening/respondent selection procedures
  • Number of completed interviews, overall and by mode
  • Documentation of proxy interview protocol
  • Documentation of respondent incentives and interviewer incentive protocol
  • Documentation of techniques to maximize response (e.g.,  prenotification, recontact, and refusal conversion protocol)
  • Outcome rates, overall and by key respondent groups
  • Dates of data collection
  • Interviewer monitoring procedures and outcomes
  • Verification form(s) and outcomes
  • Any descriptions and outcomes of validation study (e.g., administrative record check against survey data)
Data Harmonization


  • Standard codebook specifications
  • Standard procedures for collecting and producing national data files
  • Comprehensive plan for harmonization of cross-cultural data files
  • Procedures to judge the quality of the harmonized outputs
  • Procedures for testing harmonized files with knowledgeable users
  • Procedures to modify and update harmonized datasets after public release, if applicable


  • Create cross-cultural monitoring team
  • Periodically review analytic results to allow for changes in harmonization rules
  • Review end-user test results
  • Make recommendations for harmonization process improvement
  • Report on analytic results
  • Report on user tests
  • Documentation of specification and procedures standards
  • Documentation of conversion and harmonization decisions
  • Results of user tests
Data Processing and Statistical Adjustment


  • Percent of manually entered questionnaires to be verified
  • Criteria for data entry staff dismissal or supplementary training
  • Items to be coded
  • Coding protocol (manual or automatic)
  • Percent of manually coded cases to be check coded
  • Minimum acceptable inter-coder reliability
  • Data editing protocol
  • Appropriate statistical software
  • Appropriate statistical adjustments (e.g., imputation, weights)
  • Appropriate standard error estimation
  • Quality control procedures for calculation of statistical adjustments and variance estimation


  • Train data entry and data coding staff
  • Verify data accuracy
  • Develop coding scheme(s)
  • Assess inter-coder reliability
  • Use data entry tools to perform keying quality checks
  • Check
  • Edit data
  • Continually monitor coding activities
  • Monitor editing using some key process statistics
  • Remove any identifying information from the production data
  • When possible, use paradata for post-survey adjustments
  • Assign a second sampling statistician to check the post-survey adjustment methodology and the statistical software syntax of the survey’s primary sampling statistician
  • Report on data entry accuracy rate
  • Test inter-coder reliability
  • Key process statistics for editing:
    • Edit failure rate
    • Recontact rate
    • Correction rate

Data processing:

  • Data coding and data entry training documentation
  • Evaluation protocol for data coding and data entry staff and outcomes
  • Items that were coded or re-coded
  • Coding reliability
  • Data entry verification protocol and outcomes
  • Data editing protocol

Statistical adjustment:

  • Rationale for assigning sample identification numbers
  • Calculation of (e.g., response, refusal, noncontact), weighted and unweighted
  • Standard error estimates
  • Percent item-missing data

Where applicable:

  • Imputation method(s)
  • Generation of weight(s)
  • Trimming of weight(s)
  • Scaling of weight(s)
  • Adjustment(s) for differential nonresponse
  • Poststratification adjustment
Data Dissemination


  • A quality compliance protocol
  • Procedures for testing accessibility of archives with knowledgeable users
  • Procedures for digitized preservation of files
  • Procedures for assessing disclosure risk to respondents
  • Procedures for distributing restricted-use files, if applicable
  • Procedures for testing files with major statistical packages


  • Create electronic versions of all files
  • Provide data files in formats usable by all major statistical software packages
  • Designate resources to provide user support and training for secondary researchers
  • Review results of user tests
  • Data archive test reports
  • Description and classification of target users and their needs
  • Results of user satisfaction assessments
  • Summary of conditions of access to data, accompanying documentation, and user feedback
  • Distribution reports (dataset requests, Web hits, downloads, etc.)


  • Study goals and objectives
  • Survey mode and available paradata
  • Protocols to collect different types of paradata
  • Instructions on how to construct paradata-derived indicators
  • Procedures to conduct responsive design using paradata
  • Plans on how to use paradata for analyzing different types of errors


  • For computer-generated paradata, develop procedures to make sure all programming works as designed
  • For interviewer-generated paradata, develop clear protocols for interviewers about how to record paradata and for coders on how to code interviewer-generated paradata in the dataset
  • Develop quality examination procedures for different types of paradata
  • Monitor the process of using paradata for analysis
  • Monitor the process of using paradata in responsive designs
  • Paradata collection report
  • Documentation on the construction of paradata-derived indicators
  • Documentation on any coding procedure for interviewer-generated paradata
  • Document clearly how paradata is used to monitor and intervene the data collection process
  • Documentation on how paradata can be linked to main survey data
  • Documentation on the use of paradata in a responsive design
  • Documentation on the use of paradata in studying different types of errors