Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Appendix E (Example of a Certification Checklist for Biomeasures)

  • Interviewers should act as though this is a real interview. It is recommended that the person performing the certification ('certifier') observe a pair of interviewers where one acts as the respondent and the other is the interviewer being evaluated. If the 'interviewer' asks questions during the certification, such as “should I ask/do this...,” neither the certifier nor the 'respondent' should respond.
  • Make sure that the list of supplies is first checked off (interviewer has all materials ready or not).
  • Observe that the interviewer reads all instructions and explanations to the respondent and enters the values correctly.
  • If the interviewer performs a given activity correctly, make a check in the column labeled "Correct" for that activity; if the interviewer does not perform the activity correctly, circle the number in the column labeled “Incorrect” for that activity.
    • The numbers in the “Incorrect” column indicate the importance of the activity as defined by the researcher. Individual researchers can establish the relative 'weight' of the error score, as necessary.
  • For each physical measurement, total the circled numbers and enter the sum in the row labeled “Total Incorrect,” and enter the total on the “Total Incorrect” line below the table. Assess whether or not the interviewer has passed the section. To be certified, the interviewer must successfully pass all sections.
    • Say, for example, the interviewer failed to correctly perform the Blood Pressure activities “arm on table” and “use correct cuff size.” The certifier would circle the Incorrect scores of 2 and 4 respectively, for a Total Incorrect score of 6. Since the “Max incorrect to pass” is 3, the interviewer would not pass this section and would need to be re-trained and re-certified.
  • At the end, be prepared to provide feedback regarding the certification items and whether the interviewer passed certification. Make a decision about whether to permit recertification (for all measures or for only those that the interviewer did not pass), and be sure to let some time pass before attempting a recertification.
  • Retain final, signed records as documentation of this certification. Some 3MC studies may require some form of documentation on interviewer certification levels across member countries.
______________________________________________ BIOMEASURES CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST Interviewer’s Name: ______________________________ Certifier’s Name: _____________________________ Date of Certification: ___________________________ Blood Pressure Total incorrect Blood Pressure: ___________ Max incorrect to pass: 3 (4 or more needs re-certification)
Activity Correct Incorrect
Feet flat on floor/legs uncrossed 2
No smoking 2
Loose clothing/ no more than one layer 4
Arm on the table (or supported) at heart level 2
Use of correct cuff size 4
Tube of cuff hanging at inner crease of arm 4
Start at 180 SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) 2
Re-inflation no sooner than 3045 sec. 4
Re-inflation to first SBP + 20 1
Total Incorrect:
  Height Total incorrect (Height): ___________ Max incorrect to pass: 3 (4 or more needs re-certification)
Activity Correct Incorrect
Shoes off 4
Heels to wall 2
Place sticky properly on wall 2
Orange triangular ruler on top of head, parallel to floor (fat edge against the wall) 4
Place metal tape measure properly and straight for accuracy in measuring height 4
Remove sticky from wall when done 1
For leg length, ask respondent to locate bony prominence and hold metal tape in place there; keep tape straight 4
Total Incorrect:
  Weight Total incorrect (Weight): ___________ Max incorrect to pass: 2 (3 or more needs re-certification)
Activity Correct Incorrect
Place scale on firm floor 4
Shoes off 4
Remove bulky clothes 2
Tap red label on scale; wait for “000.0” 4
Total Incorrect:
  Waist Total incorrect (Waist): ___________ Max incorrect to pass: 2 (3 or more needs re-certification)
Activity Correct Incorrect
Ask respondent to identify umbilicus (navel) and hold cloth tape in place there 3
One layer of clothing 3
Tape snug but not tight 1
Check that tape is horizontal all around the R 3
Ask respondent to take normal breath and exhale, holding breath at end of exhalation 1
Record to nearest centimeter 3
Total incorrect:
  Hip Total incorrect (Hip): ___________ Max incorrect to pass:  2 (3 or more needs re-certification)
Activity Correct Incorrect
Take measurement at respondent’s side 2
Place cloth tape at level of maximal protrusion of gluteal muscles 3
Tape snug but not tight 1
Check that it is horizontal all around the respondent 3
Move tape up and down to make sure measurement is taken at greatest diameter 1
Ask the respondent to take normal breath and exhale, holding breath at end of exhalation 1
Record to nearest centimeter 3
Total incorrect: