Given the complexity of interviewing dynamics and survey topics, the EGC-ISSER Ghana Panel Survey instrument was programmed into parallel blocks with separate tabs (Household, Person, Enterprise, and Agriculture) and matrix hyperlinks to different instrument sessions and displayed as an interviewing status dashboard with color coding (Not Started, Started, Done, Not Applicable). With the designed instrument layout, interviewers had flexibility to jump in/out from different sections within the same instrument depending on the availability of the respondents, and were able to track the real-time status of interviewing progress on multiple respondents within the same instrument [zotpressInText item="{2265844:7XTP6KMT}"].
Figure I1 shows an example of the personal tab within the EGC-ISSER Ghana Panel Survey instrument. The selected household has four eligible respondents and the interviewing progress of different sessions to be asked by respondent. For example, the interviewer has interviewed Samuel Kanga, Sr. on most sessions within this tab. Among all eligible sessions, Employment and Education sessions were done; Background, Migration, and Health sessions are in progress; Psychology and Social sessions are not started yet; and Woman Health and Children sessions are not eligible for this respondent. With this color coding, interviewers can have a quick idea about the overall interviewing status.
Given the complexity of the study instrument and that on average it took more than 5 hours average interview completion time per household, the project staff used keystroke data recorded by the Blaise software to analyze interviewers’ instrument navigation behavior throughout the whole interview and came up the optimal instrument interface design with suggested interviewing order among multiple respondents within the same household [zotpressInText item="{2265844:7XTP6KMT}" etal="yes"].
Figure I1: Personal tab instrument was programmed with parallel blocks format among all household respondents.
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