Following are examples taken or adapted from the ESS Round 4 [zotpressInText item="{2265844:6ITDFWFV}"] that could be included in a
coordinating center or data collection agency study rules to demonstrate instrument technical specifications for different information and question types. These can be applicable to either paper or computerized instruments.
Instrument overview
Missing value definitions
Common question types
1. Interviewer checkpoints:
- With masks showing date format separators [▯▯/▯▯/▯▯] and response format instructions [ (dd/mm/yy) ]:
2. Closed question with enumerated
response options:
- Question F12 interviewer instructions and navigation instructions (e.g., if
response is 3 or 8, GO TO F14).
- Data dictionary elements for question F12 [variable ID F12; variable name EMPLREL; variable label EMPLOYMENT RELATION; one-digit integer format with zero decimal places; universe (Ask F12 if F8a PDWORK = 1 or F9 = 1); response options and codes; and skip instructions]:
3. Scale questions in grid:
- Questions B30 through B33 [show card (CARD 12) and interviewer instructions]:
- Questions B30 through B33, in the ESS Round 4 Israel Hebrew questionnaire:
- Show card (CARD 12, used for questions B30 through B33):
- Show card (CARD 12) in the ESS Round 4 Israel Hebrew questionnaire:
- Data dictionary (data protocol) for scale questions in grid [variables B30 through B33; variable names GINCDIF, FREEHMS, PRTYBAN, SCNSENV; variable labels (e.g., GOVERNMENT SHOULD REDUCE DIFFERENCES IN INCOME LEVELS); single-digit integer with no decimal places; universe; response options and codes]:
4. Country-specific questions:
- ESS highlights country-specific questions in gray in the source questionnaire specifications, for example, variable B12:
- Country-specific question B12 in the ESS Round 4 Latvian questionnaire:
- Data dictionary (variables B11 and B12; variable names VOTE and PRTVTxx; variable labels; one- and two-digit integer formats; response options and codes; universes; and skip instructions):
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