Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Appendix F (Recording Counts of Response Rate Categories Template [For a Sampling Frame of Housing Units])

[zotpressInText item="{2265844:VBTX5YGH}" format="%a% (%d%)"] Use the template below to help determine the number (or weighted count, if appropriate) of sample elements finalized in each of the categories and, thus, the total number/weighted count of sample elements fielded. The total number of sample elements is the sum of all categories of the final disposition codes. First, enter the number of sample elements finalized as each given category component. If no sample elements are finalized as a particular category component, enter '0' in the 'Count' column. Next, total the components for each category by entering the sum on the longer of the 'Count' column lines. Finally, total the sums of each category by entering the overall sum on the last 'Count' column line. Use the 'Additional Information' column to provide any information that will assist in interpreting the figures provided, particularly the study’s definition of partial interviews or descriptions of 'Other' classifications specific to the study.
Category (with Components) Count Additional Information
A. Interviews Complete interviews: Partial interviews: Total interviews:  




  __________________ __________________ __________________
B. Non-interviews—Eligible Refusals: Noncontacts: Other: Total non-interviews—Eligible:  





  __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
C. Non-interviews—Unknown eligibility Unknown if household/occupied housing unit: Unknown if eligible respondent in unit/no screener completed: Other: Total non-interviews—Unknown eligibility:  





  __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
D. Non-interviews—Ineligible Not an eligible housing unit: No eligible respondent: Other: Total non-interviews—Ineligible:  





  __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
Total number of sample elements: ______ __________________
  Reference [zotpressInTextBib style="apa" sortby="author"]