Data collection organizations |
- The number of organizations
- Contact information
- Type of organizations (e.g., government agency, private research company)
How many organizations conducted data collection for this study in your country? If your agency/organization contracted with another organization which provided data collection services, please include that here.
____ organizations |
Please enter the name of your institute and your country:
Institute: _______________
Country: _______________ |
Data collection methods |
- The number of separate survey data collection efforts
- A brief title of each survey data collection efforts
- Delivery of sample to interviewers (e.g., computerized sample management system)
- Mode of data collection
- Screening/respondent selection procedure
How were the face-to-face interviews administered in this study? Please check all that apply.
- Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI)
- Paper and pencil interviewing (PAPI)
- Other, specify: ____________________ |
What selection method was used to identify a respondent?
Please tick all that apply. (Do not answer if your sampling frame consists of named individuals, which are the target persons. Then continue with question 66)
Kish grid ____
Last (or next) birthday _____
Quota _____
Other (please write in details) _____ |
Techniques used to maximize response rate |
- Pre-notification strategies
Which, if any, of the following pre-notification strategies were used for the face-to-face interviews that were conducted in this study? Please check all that apply.
- Advance letter sent prior to initial visit
- Email message sent prior to initial visit
- Telephone call made prior to initial visit
- Announcement in local newspaper, radio, or television
- Other, specify: _______________
- None of the above |
Were postal or telephone components used at any point (e.g., advance contacts)?
Yes - postal ?Question 41
Yes - telephone ?Question 41
No ?Question 42 |
- Use of incentives
- Specific incentive offers made to a particular group of sample members
How many different respondent incentives were initially used for the face-to-face interviews that were conducted in this study? For example, if half of the respondents were randomly assigned to receive €15 and the other half received a gift basket, this should be recorded as two incentives; or if €10 was included in the advance letter and €20 was promised upon completion of the interview, this should also be counted as two incentives.
____ different incentives used {1-10} |
Were incentives offered?
Yes, to respondent _____
Yes, to interviewer _____
No, neither to respondent nor to interviewer _____ |
- Refusal conversion protocols
- Interviewer incentives/ bonuses
Which, if any, of the following (additional) techniques were used to maximize response rate for the face-to-face interviews that were conducted in this study. Please check all that apply.
- Special refusal aversion or refusal conversion training sessions for interviewers
- Specially designated interviewers for reluctant cases (e.g., flying experienced interviewers in to attempt difficult cases)
- Persuasion letters sent to reluctant sample members
- Increased or additional respondent incentives implemented after the start of data collection
- Interviewer incentives/bonuses
- None of the above |
Contact protocols |
- Minimum number of contacts (on weekdays, in the evenings, on weekends) before a case is finalized
- Maximum number of contacts after a case would be finalized
- Methods used to attempt to reach sample members
Was there a minimum number of attempts required before a sample case was finalized (i.e., no more attempts were made on the case) for face-to-face data collection in this study?
- Yes
- No |
Were interviewers required to make a certain number of calls/ visits before they stopped approaching
an address or household?
Minimum number of calls/visits required - please write in number _____
No minimum call requirement ____ |
Eligibility screening |
- Minimum number of attempts for screening (on weekdays, in the evenings, on weekends) before the case is finalized
- Maximum number of attempts for screening after a cases would be finalized
- Methods for refusal conversion for eligibility screening
- Methods to reach sample members for the screening
- Any additional techniques that were used to increase response rate for the screening to determine eligibility
What was the minimum number of attempts required before a case was finalized (i.e., no more attempts were made on the case)? If the mode of contact was not specified, please only provide the total number of attempts below.
____ minimum face-to-face attempts {ALLOW VALUE,1-40}
____ minimum telephone attempts {ALLOW VALUE,1-40}
____ total minimum attempts (face-to-face and telephone) {ALLOW VALUE,1-40} |
Was substitution or replacement permitted at any stage of your
selection process or during fieldwork?
Yes? Question 67
No? Question 68 |
Use of special test or data collection besides survey questions |
Besides the survey questions, did this study involve any of the following? Please check all that apply.
- Tests of physical performance (e.g., walking speed, grip strength)
- Tests of cognitive ability (e.g., memory tasks, word recognition)
- Physical measurements (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure)
- Collection of biological specimens (e.g., blood, saliva, urine)
- Collection of environmental specimens (e.g., soil, dust)
- Procurement of respondent permission to access and link respondent data from other sources (e.g., government records, medical records, employment records)
- Other, specify: {TEXT BOX}
- None of the above |
Locating sample members |
- Tracking procedures
- Leader/coordinator of tracking
- Tracking manual/tracking team
- Training
- Between-wave tracking efforts
- Steps/options used in tracking (relatives, friends, neighbors, employers)
Were any tracking activities carried out to locate sample members in this study? Please check all that apply.
- Yes
- No {SKIP TO DC223} |
Quality control |
- Supervision
- Back-checking
Were any interviews back-checked (e.g. supervisor checks later whether interview conducted)?
Yes - please write in approximate proportion % ______
No ______ |